Sunday, November 2, 2008

Reason for calling BOD Meeting - Short Version

Last week the BOD received a letter from a lawyer claiming that Units 3 & 4 of the subdivision were not part of the homeowners association. Needless to say a letter of this nature triggers a lot of questions followed by some research and discussion amongst BOD members. At least that would seem to be the normal and logical progression of events.

Not so on our BOD; nothing “normal” here.

Ms Mueller was asked to look into this by the association President. Her investigation is complete and her findings were emailed last Friday to all BOD members by Ms Koen without any supporting documentation.

Since that time I have made no less than four attempts to gain access to the documentation used by Ms Mueller to reach her conclusion. Ms Koen states she does not have the information and Ms Mueller won’t respond to phone calls or emails. It is noteworthy that both have responded to other emails on different subjects so I can only assume they have chosen to ignore my request.

Mr. Duffy shares my frustration with the lack of information. As BOD members we have every right to review these findings especially since my research revealed the possibility that there is some merit to the claims in Attorney Rhoads letter. I AM NOT STATING THAT ATTORNEY RHOADS CLAIMS ARE CORRECT; I JUST WANT TO SEE THE DOCUMENTATION.

Mr. Duffy and I have only one recourse; to call a special BOD meeting. In accordance with Article IV, Section 5, of our Bylaws, Mr. Duffy and I have called a special BOD meeting for next Saturday, November 8, 2008, at 8:30am. The location will be the Fox Township Building and all members are welcome.

Notification was sent to all BOD members in accordance with our Bylaws by certified mail.

As you can see this BOD has quickly moved to an era where information is not shared and those not in favor with the new majority are ignored. This method of operation is a throwback to the previous style of management and, in my opinion, crippling any possibility of becoming a productive BOD where the membership comes first.

Tony Robinson