What we are not being told about a "Scribner's error;
Definition: SCRIBNER ERROR - A minor error in notation on a plat (street map) that, upon correction by the maker of the error, would not affect the intent of the plat or its legal validity and therefore not require the consent of the signatories or the reconsideration by the city council. An error in a called bearing or distance, an adjacent street name, a spelling error, or addition of a north arrow would constitute SCRIBNER ERROR.
HISTORY – Originally from the word “scrivener” which is a person who writes a document, such as a deed, for another, usually for a fee.
A scribner's error is an error in the writing and creating of a plat and has nothing to do with the recording of documents with the county.
Furthermore, not everyone quoted in the BOD's January 4, 2009 letter as being in "unanimous agreement that there was a scribner's error" holds to that opinion.
Interesting, isn't it?