BOD Status Update
Based on the actions of our current BOD majority I hold little hope for this BOD functioning normally: normal being defined as working in the best interest of the membership at large and not pursuing self interests.
I have been contacted by two different people advising me that some of the new majority on the BOD are canvassing the subdivision door to door in an attempt to have me removed from office for not accepting the assignment of Secretary. I can’t help but wonder why since I have already resigned my position effective with the election of a replacement. All that is necessary to get rid of me is to hold an association meeting and run an election. Maybe there is an ulterior motive – like trying to make me look bad.
Here’s what looks bad: The work of the association taking a back seat to the politics of name assassination.
Despite all the garbage being shoveled my way I will continue to focus on doing what I can to insure the BOD complies with our bylaws. In the spirit of working for the membership at large, today I forwarded to the President the documentation required by Article VIII, Section 1, as related informing the membership about the new policies passed at the last two BOD meetings. I also prepared and forwarded to her the required letters certifying the BOD is in compliance with the same Article and Section. These should be signed by the acting Secretary and returned to the BOD for inclusion in the minutes at the next BOD meeting.
Somebody's got to focus on doing the job right. It just happens to be what I enjoy.
Best Regards