Here are the facts about BOD members holding a position as an Officer in the association.
According to Article VII, Item 6, of the CCR’s there are only three required Officers: President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. Item (b) of this section allows for more than one Vice President but does not require more than one Vice President. The following paragraph, labeled item 10, states the Secretary and Treasurer may be two separate officers.
The associations Bylaws further define the number of Officers required by the association in Article 5, Section 1, wherein it states that “No individual may hold more than one office at any time.” In order to comply with both of these documents we need to have a minimum of four BOD members holding Officer positions. Those Officers are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The truth of the matter is that we are only required to have four Officers in the association.
Furthermore, we have yet to reach a consensus on who will hold what offices. What is frustrating is the no compromise attitude of some of our BOD members. At last night’s meeting Kent Duffy and I were the only BOD members to offer any suggested resolutions to the problem. All our suggestions were met with stone cold silence or statements of “Absolutely not”.
To her credit, Ms Koen did try to structure a system of shared Secretary duties between BOD members but I don’t believe that arrangement would be in compliance with the CCR’s and Bylaws.
Today I was informed by a friend that I had been” torched” again on the “Watchdog” website for not being a team player– anonymously of course. I asked my friend “Whats new?”
I only ask that you consider the source.